+1 206 446 0600 umv@merysolsecurity.com

Regulatory Compliance Assistance 

For those visitors that work in the healthcare industry,  Merysol Security offers the following:  HIPAA Compliance Checklists and referral to our partner Compliancy Group for further assessment.

Whether you are interested in a Cybersecurity Assessment,  IT-Disaster Recovery or a Business Continuity Plan,  Regulatory Compliance Assistance will be available to you.  Let our consultants reach out to you by submitting a Contact Request form.

HIPAA Compliance Checklist

This checklist is a simple but complete reminder of the required annual assessments you must perform.   It can be used as a “to-do” list to keep you in proper compliance.

HIPAA Cyber-Attack Response Checklist 

In the event of a cyber-attack, you must report it to different authorities. This checklist provides you a guide for how to do it within the allocated time.

Compliancy Group 

Our partner, Compliancy Group, was founded in 2005 to simplify compliance and allow customers to grow their business.  Their software solution, The Guard, automates up to 88% of the administrative tasks required for compliance.   Get in touch with them by phone (855 85-HIPAA) or by email info@compliancegroup.com  and let them know that Merysol Security has referred you to them.

Ransomware resources:

If a ransomware incident occurs at your organization, the FBI, CISA and NSA recommend the following actions: